Free webinar on lighthouse parenting: guiding children towards independence

The last complimentary webinar of this school year from the Building Better Futures – Parents as Partners series will take place on Tuesday, March 11. Life coach Jennifer Bashant will explain how to support children from a distance, so they can navigate their own paths while ensuring they have the guidance and safety they need. Click this link to register. 

One of the hallmarks of Gen Z children is that they are the center of the family. Parents/caregivers (on the whole) have placed their children’s needs in the forefront and worked hard to give them opportunities and material things that they may not have had. The extreme version of this is a tendency to rescue a child from struggle, and to hover over them, offering advice and support as needed (aka Helicopter Parenting). Jennifer will share specific strategies to move toward Lighthouse Parenting – a style of parenting that will allow your child to build resilience, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that will serve them well as they grow.

Live webinars are presented from 6:30-7:30 p.m. If you are not available to watch the webinar live, we encourage you to register because you will automatically receive the link to the recording after the live event. Access to the recordings will be available through June 30.