The Board of Education will:
1. Implement a program of long-range planning and evaluation of facilities and facilities’ needs.
2. Provide facilities which serve the needs of all students and enhance the educational program of the district.
3. Design and construct facilities which are aesthetic in appearance, functional and reflective of safety, health and environmental factors.
4. Plan for adaptability and flexibility of facilities to accommodate both school and community use.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education has overall responsibility for the regular operation and orderly development of the school district’s physical plant.
The Board delegates to the Superintendent the responsibility for formulating and implementing, subject to approval by the Board, a long-range facilities development plan that will serve as a guide for capital improvements and enable the district to provide the appropriate facilities to meet the educational needs of the students.
Pursuant to the plan, the Superintendent shall:
1. continually monitor and evaluate changes in the curriculum, enrollment trends and patterns within the school district, the availability of construction funds, and other relevant factors and periodically recommended appropriate modifications to the plan;
2. annually evaluate the status of all school buildings and grounds in order to ensure that an atmosphere conductive to quality education is maintained;
3. conduct an annual assessment of equipment, facilities, and maintenance practices to ensure that district schools are operated in a manner that meets the present and future needs of the educational mission of the district.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Superintendent is responsible for evaluating district population and housing trends and making enrollment projections for the district. Enrollment projections will be prepared on a five year basis and will be reviewed and brought up to date annually.
The projections should take into consideration the following factors:
1. data from the latest school census;
2. school enrollment figures;
3. proposed or forthcoming changes in community planning and zoning;
4. current and planned community land development and housing projects
The Board of Education may authorize outside studies of population trends and school enrollment whenever it deems same to be advisable.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education shall be responsible for determining the most appropriate method for financing facilities development projects after seeking advice from its administrative staff, school attorney and bond counsel.
Dependent upon the type of facilities development project and consistent with the applicable provisions of both Education Law and Local Finance Law, the Board of Education may elect to finance facilities development projects in one of the following ways:
1. Issuance of Serial Bonds;
2. Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes;
3. Issuance of Capital Notes;
4. Establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund;
5. Establishment of a Repair Reserve Fund;
6. General Fund budgetary appropriations.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education shall have the overall responsibility for determining the type of facilities construction and/or renovation needed to meet the district’s facilities development plans.
In carrying out facilities development plans, the Board of Education may utilize any and all methods and procedures consistent with Education Law and generally accepted practice to accomplish its goals.
The Board of Education may, as it sees fit, delegate to the Superintendent, its administrative staff, an advisory committee of its own creation, an architect, an engineer, or qualified outside agent, any of the responsibilities inherent in the facilities construction process.
Adopted January 9, 1989
Where a proposed construction project involves all or a portion of a building where instruction takes place, the Superintendent will prepare educational specifications for the project. These specifications may be prepared with the assistance of the professional staff and the advice of outside consultants.
Upon completion, the specifications will be presented to the Board of Education for its approval and, upon acceptance, they will be furnished to the architect for use in preparing and drafting plans.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education is responsible for employing an architect or engineer if a project requires architectural or engineering services. The architect or engineer must be licensed in the State of New York and be familiar with the laws, regulations and procedures relating to school construction.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The architect and/or the engineer will develop site, construction, and equipment plans and specifications which comply in all respects with State law and the regulations and requirements of the State Education Department and/or any other governmental agency with jurisdiction over the project. Such plans shall be submitted to the Superintendent for review, who in turn will present them to the Board of Education for its consideration and approval. Following approval by the Board, the plans will be submitted to the appropriate State and local agencies for their review and approval, if requited.
Estimates of construction costs will be prepared by the architect or engineer and submitted to the Superintendent. After review, the Superintendent will present them to the Board of Education for consideration and approval. The final determination of cost and budget of any project is the sole responsibility of the Board.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The availability of suitable school sites within the boundaries of the of the school district shall be determine sufficiently in advance of projected building construction plans so that needed sites will be acquired in a timely manner.
School sites should be selected so as to ensure that schools are reasonably accessible to the populations they serve. The sites must be free from safety hazards and have adequate useable acreage to reasonably accommodate all planned school activities.
The acquisition of any site selected by the Board must receive approval of the district voters before it may be purchased.
A gift of real property may be accepted by the Board of Education without voter approval.
Adopted January 9, 1989
All contracts must be advertised, bid on and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with the district’s policy and procedures for competitive bidding. The Board of Education has the sole authority to award or reject bids. The successful contractor will enter into a formal contract, approved by the school attorney, detailing all aspects of the construction to take place.
All contractors to whom a contract has been awarded must provide a performance bond obtained through a bonding company licensed to do business in New York State. The required amount of such bond shall be included in the Statement of General Conditions set forth in the advertisement or notice for bids.
Every construction contract awarded by the district shall contain the necessary provisions regarding prevailing wage rates and prohibition of discrimination, as well as all other provisions required by applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations.
Adopted January 9, 1989
Upon completion, all construction projects shall be inspected by the architect or engineer who will certify to the Board of Education that the project meets applicable health and safety requirements and standards. After receiving a satisfactory fire inspection report, the Board will accept the facility as being suitable for use. Both the certification and acceptance are to be filed with the State Education Department.
The Board of Education may, in its discretion, hold public dedication ceremonies in connection with the opening of a new facility.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education is responsible for naming any new facility. The Board, in its discretion, may establish procedures for the naming of any building or other district facility. Suitable building plaques or other memorials may be authorized by the Board.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education is authorized to utilize temporary facilities when such use is required or appropriate, subject to approval of such facilities by the Commissioner of Education.
The Board may lease or lease-purchase facilities such as re-locatable buildings or prefabricated structures to be placed on district property and used for educational purposes with approval of district voters. In case of an unforeseen emergency, the Board may enter into such a lease with the approval of the Commissioner.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Superintendent, annually during the budget development process, will submit a report and recommendations to the Board of Education on facilities in need of renovation and/or major repairs. All renovation and repair plans will be subject to approval by the Board. All policies that apply, to the extent appropriate, to renovations and major repairs of existing facilities.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education has the authority to retire or close school buildings or other district facilities when it considers such action appropriate and in the best interest of the school district.
The Board of Education may, in its discretion, seek both professional and community advice concerning and contemplating closing of any school facility due to age, condition, size or other considerations.
Adopted January 9, 1989
The Board of Education is authorized to dispose of unneeded school buildings and real property in accordance with applicable provisions of Education Law, which under certain circumstances may require approval of school district voters.
Adopted January 9, 1989