Scotia-Glenville Reopening Plan 2020-2021

Table of contents

All levels



Special Education

All Levels


  • Students and Staff will wear masks and follow socially-distanting district protocols. Mask breaks will be incorporated into the day.
  • Attendance will be taken daily.
  • Grades will be assigned and feedback will be provided.
  • Assessments will be administered.
  • Students will eat lunch in the classroom, gym or cafeteria with social distancing.

Fully Virtual Learning

  • Students will be held to the same academic standards as in person learning.
  • Attendance will be taken daily.
  • Grades will be assigned and feedback will be provided.
  • Assessments will be administered



Monday – Friday
Hours: 9:00-2:35 / 3:05

  • Lincoln
  • Sacandaga
  • Glen-Worden
  • Glendaal
Instructional Focus
  • ELA
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies-integrated with ELA to the degree possible

Specials – Art, Music, PE and Library. Students will receive one of four specials each day and will run on a four day rotating schedule.

Specials may be delivered virtually or in-person. Music and PE will take place in the classroom or outside as appropriate and weather permitting.

Daily Structure – at a minimum students will spend half of their day with a classroom teacher and half day with a supervising adult. During the half day with the supervising adult the student will have their special.

If we need to pivot during the year to a fully virtual model we will follow an expanded daily schedule similar to the schedule from 2019-2020.

Fully Virtual Learning

For families who have concerns about their child’s health or impact on a family member with high risk factors (qualified as a COVID 19 Vulnerable Population – DOH guidance doc) they may choose to have their child engage in an fully virtual learning option, which shall entail both synchronous and asynchronous engagements. It must be noted that while a virtual instructional experience will be substantive, it will not be equivalent to an on-site/in-person or hybrid learning experience.

  • Students enrolled in FVL will be assigned to online only learning.  This includes online only participation in any clubs and/or extracurricular activities, if so offered for in-person attendance.  Students in the VL program will not be eligible to participate in on-site interscholastic activities should they be offered.
  • Students enrolled in FVL will remain in the virtual classroom to which they are assigned, minimally for the entirety of the first trimester at the elementary.
  • Parents of elementary students who would like to shift their child to the in-person classroom option for the start of the second trimester must notify the school district registrar of the intent to shift from FVL to the in-person or hybrid models no later than November 1, 2020.  This will provide time for the District to reassign teachers between FVL and in-person instructional assignments as student enrollments shift.
  • Instruction and instructional materials will be provided both through asynchronous and synchronous means.
  • Parents of younger students will need to be engaged in supporting instruction from home.
  • Student attendance will be taken.
  • Student work must be returned to the teacher(s) completed.
  • Standards based grades will be assigned and feedback will be provided.
  • In the event onsite instruction is suspended and the students who had been participating in onsite instruction shift to an entirely virtual setting, students enrolled in FVL program will remain in the FVL program unless the District needs to make a change due to staffing needs.
  • Due to social distancing requirements and the assignment of staff to in-person and virtual classrooms, students returning to in-person schooling may be assigned to schools other than their homeschool if the homeschool is at max capacity for social distancing requirements.



Hours: 7:25 – 2:09

The program being proposed is that only one third of high school/middle school students would come to the building on any given day but the others would connect virtually to their classes. All students would be on virtual education on Wednesdays. Students would be divided into three groups – Crimson, Strong and Tartans – based on their last names. Crimson will be last names of A-g, Strong will be last names of H-O and Tartans will be last names of P-Z. We agree that high school students may be more apt to follow social distancing and mask rules.

Virtual Wednesdays: The HS and MS day will begin at 10:38 a.m. and end at 2:06 p.m. Periods will be 20 minutes each. No students will be in school on Wednesdays; all learning will be virtual.

Fully Virtual Learning

In this model students do not come to campus. All instruction will take place virtually.

Students who choose a fully virtual school will follow the same daily schedule as they would if they were in person. Students will be expected to log in to each teacher’s daily lesson.

The teacher will be providing instruction in a variety of ways, live streaming from the classroom, sharing prerecorded lessons with associated expectations for accompanying assignments and deadlines or independent learning activities.  Teachers will ensure that their students are directly engaged with them and their class peers.

Students will be expected to complete all assigned work, including homework.

The District will use Google Classroom as a consistent instructional delivery platform.

Students will need access to a computer/device to connect instruction. If a student needs a computer/device a Chromebook will be provided.

We will return to numeric grading and provide feedback on assignments. Report cards will be sent home on the same schedule.

Attendance will be taken daily.

Special Education

Special Education Services for Students Receiving Entirely In-person Instruction

Students with the most significant need for specialized instruction are served in the District’s self-contained special education classes. At the elementary level there are two such classes housed at Glen-Worden Elementary School: Developmental Skills-1  (Kindergarten-first grade) and Developmental Skills-2 (second grade-4th grade). At the Middle School there is one such class: Middle School Developmental Skills (6th-8th grade). At the High School there are two classes: The Life Skills Class and the PACER Class.

Special Education Services for Students Receiving both Virtual and In-person instruction

Students will receive the special education services as listed on each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). As during a typical school year, general education and special education teachers will collaborate to ensure that educational materials are accessible, adapted, modified and appropriate for each student.  Lessons, tasks and activities will focus on teaching to the state learning standards and to the student’s IEP goals and may include pre-recorded lessons, direct in-person teaching  and teacher-designed learning activities. Related services may be provided virtually or in-person as outlined on students’ IEPs. Whether a service is provided virtually or in-person will depend on the student’s schedule of classes.

Special Education Services for Students Receiving Entirely Virtual Instruction

 The delivery of special education services to students who are participating entirely online will ensure that students’ have access to a free and appropriate public education. This will be achieved by using a variety of resources provided in collaboration with general education teachers to ensure educational materials are accessible, adapted, modified and appropriate in accordance with students’ Individual Education Plans (IEPs).  Lessons, tasks and activities will focus on teaching to the state learning standards and to the student’s IEP goals and may include pre-recorded lessons, direct virtual teaching and teacher-designed learning activities. Students will have virtual access to their tutorial or resource room teacher and any related service providers as prescribed by the IEP.