Social & Emotional Support Committee
Agenda Item
Next Steps
1. Survey Draft
- Discussion
Include space for comment and input - Listed items mentioned at previous committee meeting
- Positive responses to a walking club
- Connect with people to run workshops/ sessions: Physical Activity/Art
- Edits:
- a) Add submissions
- b) Make ranking 1-5
- There is enough interest that a Walking Club should be developed
Next Steps
- Make edits
- Get approval to disseminate
- Create Walking Club
- Reach out to Artist Consortium
2. Mental Health Support
- Waiting on union to follow up
- No District wide EAP program
- Cannot violate privacy laws
Next Steps
- Hound NYSUT
- Compile list of what plans offer
3. Webseries
- Proposal just submitted
Next Steps
- Review proposal
- Discuss at next call
4. Weekly Newsletter
- Music link embedding capabilities
- Chad volunteered to submit music
- Received positive feedback
- Does not have to be long (can even begin with uplifting quotes and music)
- There is enough support that a Weekly Newsletter should be developed
Next Steps
- Need to determine authorship
- ·Need to determine method of distribution
5. Drum Circle
- Can be done virtually
- Different models/options available
- Virtual and outdoor options
- Drums available for usage if not owned
- Available volunteers willing to assist
- There is enough logistical framework to a drum circle
Next Steps
- Chad will take lead
- Logistics to be worked out with volunteers
6. Quiet space for teachers
- Escaping to a quiet area can be therapeutic and good for mental health
- Not all schools may be able to provide such a space
- If there is interest from teachers this should be further explored
7. Calendar of options
- Many ideas have received positive feedback
- Interests may vary
- Create a calendar that focuses on one activity for a set period of time (weekly/biweekly/monthly)
- Every series is a new activity
- Survey can provide guidance on options offered
Next Steps
- Wait on survey results
Respectfully Submitted by: Fareed Michelen