January 27, 2025 Board of Education Meeting

Scotia-Glenville Mission Statement

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to providing an environment which allows students to realize their full potential and thus prepares them for life in an ever-changing world. In the tradition of excellence, Board of Education, administration, staff, parents, business and community members will continue to ensure that our educational system fulfills the needs of our students.

Board Call – Middle School Cafeteria

6:00 PM – To Entertain a Motion to go into Executive Session if Necessary
7:00 PM – Regular Meeting (click link for meeting minutes)


  1. Roll Call: Boucher Furnish, Carbone, Orr, Roberts, Singh, H. Talbot, K. Talbot
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor for the Board of Education Meeting

    In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time to any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

  4. Presentation: Technology Update (Megan Johnson, Director of Technology)
  5. Superintendent’s Comments (Susan M. Swartz, Superintendent of Schools)
  6. Discussion: Senior Citizens Aged Exemption
  7. Discussion: State Aid Analysis Budget 2025-2026
  8. Accept Second Fiscal Projection for 2024-2025

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the Second Fiscal Projection for 2024-2025 with the supporting Revenue and Budget Status Reports and Summary Variance Analysis and Fund Balance Projection Report, as submitted: Part A & B and Part C & D

  9. Approve Memorandum of Agreement By and Between the Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Scotia-Glenville Teachers’ Association School Aides and Monitors

    Superintendent’s  Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Memorandum of Agreement By and Between the Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Scotia-Glenville Teachers’ Association School Aides and Monitors, dated January 8, 2025, for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027, as submitted, and further authorize the Superintendent of Schools to sign the Memorandum of Agreement, as submitted.

  10. Resolution: Notice of Intent to Serve as Lead Agency Under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and Its Implementing Regulations

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, designating the Board as Lead Agency for the purpose of determining the environmental impact of the Project (improvements to the transportation facility) and intends to declare itself as Lead Agency and conduct a coordinated SEQRA review of the Project, as submitted.

  11. Resolution: Accept Donation to be Applied to the 1st National Bank of Scotia Scholarship

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated January 14, 2025, regarding accepting the donation of $2,000.00 from the 1st National Bank of Scotia to be applied to the 1st National Bank of Scotia Scholarship, as submitted.

  12. Resolution: Accept Donation to be Applied to the Pete H. Schrader Construction Industry Scholarship

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated January 16, 2025, regarding accepting the donation of $1,000.00 from Schrader and Co. to be applied to the Pete H. Schrader Construction Industry Scholarship, as submitted.

  13. Resolution: Accept Gift and Donation from Middle School Assignment Notebook ECAF Account to the Middle School

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated January 27, 2025, regarding accepting and appropriating the gift and donation from the Middle School Assignment Notebook ECAF Account in the amount of $1,384.54 to the Middle School for supplies, as submitted.

  14. Resolution: Accept Gift and Donation from Rita Cowell to the Scotia-Glenville CSD Music Program

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated January 14, 2025, regarding accepting and appropriating the gift and donation from Rita Cowell in the amount of $250.00 to Scotia-Glenville CSD Music Program in honor of Rachel Ciotoli, as submitted.

  15. Communications
    1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Kevin Trevil, Girls’ Junior Varsity Basketball Coach, effective c.o.b. January 19, 2025, with appreciation for his service to the district, as submitted.
    2. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Victoria Munday, Account Clerk Typist (Senior High School), effective c.o.b. January 24, 2025, with appreciation for her service to the district, as submitted.
    3. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation of Dana Brockmann, Special Education Teacher (Glen-Worden Elementary), effective c.o.b February 14, 2025 in order to accept a new position in the district, as submitted.
    4. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation for retirement purposes of Darren VanHeusen, Social Studies Teacher (Senior High School), effective July 1, 2025, with appreciation for his service to the district, as submitted.
  16. Report of Superintendent
    1. Staffing
      1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the appointment of Marcella Tebbano, Assistant Principal (Middle School) as Acting Athletic Director, effective February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025, with a stipend of $5,000.00 during this period.
      2. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the probationary appointment of Dana Brockmann, as 4th Grade Teacher (Glen- Worden Elementary), effective February 15, 2025 through February 24, 2028, with no change in annual salary.
      3. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the part-time appointment of Somawatie Cecil as School Nurse (Mekeel Christian Academy), effective September 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, with the 2024- 2025 salary to be at the rate of $30.84/hour, 17.5 hours per week.
      4. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in appointment for Jessica Serrano as Teacher Aide (Sacandaga Elementary) from 31.75 hours per week to 22 hours per week, with no change in hourly salary or benefits, effective January 22, 2025.
      5. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the temporary appointment of Paris Gutierrez as Teacher Aide (Middle School), 3.5 hours/day, 17.5 hours per week, effective January 27, 2025 through March 10, 2025, with the 2024-2025 salary to be at the rate of $15.50/hour.
      6. Superintendent’s  Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Megan Hunt as a Student Teacher at Glendaal Elementary, effective January 21, 2025 through mid-May.
      7. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in winter coaching appointment for Joseph Bodden for the remainder of the 2024-2025 season:

        from Girls’ Varsity Basketball Volunteer

        Step 0

        $ -0-

        to Girls’ Junior Varsity Basketball Coach



      8. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the following list of 2024-2025 Spring Sports coaching appointments:

        Lacrosse – Boys’


        Micah Hughes

        Step 2


        Tennis – Boys’


        Geoffrey Olson

        Step 10



        Jacob Hardy

        Step 3


      9. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the following individuals as High School Athletic Contest Chaperones for 2024- 2025, effective January 13, 2025, at the rate set forth in collective bargaining contracts: Jennifer Burkhart, Francesca Cowdrey, Benjamin Tunison
      10. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in hours for the following Teacher Aides (Transportation), effective February 3, 2025, with no change in hourly rate:

        Lisa Albertin


        4.75 hours/day


        2.25 hours/day

        MaryJane Frederick


        3.75 hours/day


        7.5 hours/day

        Russell Gundlach


        5.25 hours/day


        3.5 hours/day

        Elizabeth Sweet


        6.25 hours/day


        6.0 hours/day

        James Welnhofer


        5.5 hours/day


        3.25 hours/day

      11. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the attached list of substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year, as submitted.
  17. Routine Business
    1. Placements of Children with Disabilities
    2. Internal Claims Auditor’s Report/Warrants/Warrant Report Exceptions: Payroll Warrants







      Check Warrants



      $ 880,982.00



      $ 271,885.29






      $ 0.00



      $ 931,373.30



      $ 61,671.82



      $ 34,750.00

    3. Budget Transfers – December 2024
    4. Treasurer’s Report – December 2024
  18. Other Business
    1. 2025 Budget Calendar
  19. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor for the Board of Education Meeting

In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time to any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

The Board may adjourn to Executive Session in order to discuss matters relating to personnel and/or negotiations.