November 18, 2024 Board of Education meeting

Scotia-Glenville Mission Statement

The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to providing an environment which allows students to realize their full potential and thus prepares them for life in an ever-changing world. In the tradition of excellence, Board of Education, administration, staff, parents, business and community members will continue to ensure that our educational system fulfills the needs of our students.

Board Call – Middle School Cafeteria

6:00 PM – Entertain a Motion to go into Executive Session
7:00 PM – Regular Meeting (click link for meeting minutes)


  1. Roll Call: Boucher Furnish, Carbone, Orr, Roberts, Singh, H. Talbot, K. Talbot
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor for the Board of Education Meeting

    In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time to any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

  4. Student Presentation – SGHS Elevating Student Voices
  5. Superintendent’s Comments (Susan M. Swartz, Superintendent of Schools)
  6. Approval of Deposit of College Board Rebate Check and Reallocated to Counselor Lise Williams for Honorarium Advanced Placement Coordinator Work

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the deposit of a rebate check from College Board in the amount of $250.00 into the A2110.451-03-02 fund/account and that Counselor Lise Williams be approved for and paid $250.00 for her work as Advanced Placement Coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year, as submitted.

  7. Resolution: Approve Agreement By and Between Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District for Student Enrollment Exchange

    Superintendent’s  Recommendation: That the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent to approve the agreement by and between Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District for a Scotia-Glenville Student to attend Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District for the 2024-2025 school year.

  8. Resolution: Accept the Report of the Tax Collector

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 18, 2024, to accept the Report of the Tax Collector and that the lists of delinquent tax items be certified to the Office of the County Treasurer of the respective counties, as submitted.

  9. Resolution: Increase Debt Service Reserve Fund

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 13, 2024, regarding authorizing the decrease in undesignated fund balance (A909) by $14,995.30 and increase Debt Service Reserve Fund (A884) by $14,995.30, as submitted.

  10. Resolution: Accept the Heather Phillips Sands Memorial Scholarship

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 7, 2024, regarding acceptance of the Heather Phillips Sands Memorial Scholarship, as submitted.

  11. Resolution: Accept and Appropriate Gift and Donation from the Glen-Worden Elementary School PTA

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 12, 2924, regarding accepting and appropriating the gift and donation of $850.00 to Glen-Worden Elementary School, to be used for a portable PA System Bundle with compact Speaker Stands, XLR Cable and Instrument Cable from the Glen-Worden Elementary School PTA, as submitted.

  12. Resolution: Accept and appropriate Gift and Donation from the Glen-Worden Elementary School PTA

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 13, 2024, regarding accepting and appropriating the gift and donation of $2,413.04 to Glen-Worden Elementary School, to be used for Arts in Education Programs from the Glen-Worden Elementary School PTA, as submitted.

  13. Resolution: Accept Gift and Donation of Materials and Supplies from The College of St. Rose

    Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Resolution, dated November 6, 2024, regarding accepting and appropriating the gift and donation of supplies and materials to the Scotia-Glenville Central School District Science Department, with the approximate value of $3,177.36, from The College of St. Rose, as submitted.

  14. Communications
    1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation for retirement purposes for Donna Beebe, Teacher Aide (Senior High School), effective c.o.b. November 30, 2024, with appreciation for her service to the district, as submitted.
  15. Report of Superintendent
    1. Staffing
      1. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the change in salary step for Lilianna Matala as Substitute Math Teacher (High School) from Step 5 +M (52,520) to Step 6 +M (54,963) prorated.
      2. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the High School supplemental appointment for collateral duties for the 2024-2025 school year:Ski Club Kaila DiCaprio $487.79
      3. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the following individuals as advisors for the Glendaal Homework Club for the 2024- 2025 school year at the rate of $23.02/hour:Mary Crandall Lisa Keating
      4. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the following individuals as Volunteer Chaperones for the 2024-2025 High School Ski Club:Stephanie MacIntosh Dave Prusinowski Jen Prusinowski
      5. Superintendent’s  Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve Jeanne Halloran as a Middle School Intramural Coach for 2024-2025 at the rate of $23.02/hour.
      6. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following 2024-2025 winter coaching appointments:

        Boys’ Swimming

        Varsity Liam Marshall ½ salary (merge with BHBL)

        Girls’ Wrestling

        Varsity Dianna Acors 1/3 salary (merge with BHBL and Ballston Spa)

      7. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the list of substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year, as submitted.
      8. Superintendent’s Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the 1.0 FTE probationary appointment of Andrea Polikoski, Elementary Principal (Glen-Worden Elementary School), effective January 2, 2025 through January 1, 2028, with 2024-2025 salary to be at the rate of $131,000, prorated, 11 months. Ms. Polikoski holds professional certification as NYS School Building Leader and permanent certification NYS Pre-K through Grade 6.
  16. Routine Business
    1. Placements of Children with Disabilities
    2. Internal Claims Auditor’s Report/Warrants/Warrant Report Exceptions:Payroll Warrants







      Check Warrants



      $ 257,119.34






      $ 10,850.24

    3. Budget Transfers: October 2024
    4. Treasurer’s Report – October 2024
  17. Other Business
    1. Scotia-Glenville High School Undergraduate Awards – November 4, 2024
  18. Hearing/Privilege of the Floor for the Board of Education Meeting

In accordance with Policy #1230, privilege of the floor will be extended at this time to any person in attendance. The time allowed, protocol and procedures are outlined in the “Welcome to a Meeting of the Board of Education” brochure.

The Board may adjourn to Executive Session in order to discuss matters relating to personnel and/or negotiations.