Scotia-Glenville Central School District Budget
Annual budget vote and school board election
On Tuesday, May 20, 2025 Scotia-Glenville polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the high school B-wing Gym. Make your voice heard with your vote and throughout the budget approval process. The Public Budget Hearing and Meet the Candidate Night is on Wednesday, May 7.
Process calendar for 2025-2026 budget
January 2025
- Month of January Departmental discussions on budgets
- January 27 Presentation of State Aid for 25/26 budget
February 2025
- February 10 Carry-Forward Update, First Tax Cap Discussion, Bus Proposition discussion
Summary of 2/10 meeting - February 24 Special Meeting- 1st draft Carry-Forward Budget, Board decision on Tax Cap
(Canceled – no quorum due to illness)
March 2025
- March 1 Property Tax Cap Reports Due
- March 3 Petitions for BOE Seats Available in District Office
Budget Work Session- Susan- 1st draft of Recommended Budget, Contingency Budget
Summary of 3/3 meeting - March 10 Budget Work Session- Susan
Summary of 3/10 meeting - March 17 Budget Work Session- Susan
- Resolution for Legal Notice for Annual District Election, EV Project Prop
Possible Adoption of Budget
Summary of 3/17 meeting - March 24 Regular Board Meeting -Final Date for Adoption of Budget
Property Tax Report Card due w/in 24 hours of budget adoption
Appoint Chairperson, Chief Inspector, Inspectors and Assistant
Clerks for Annual District Election
April 2025
- April 4 April 7 First Legal Notice
- April 21 Deadline for petitions turned into Business Office
- April 22 Drawing for ballot positions
- April 25 Military Ballots mailed
- April 23 Special Board Meeting (BOCES budget vote)
May 2025
- May 7 Public Hearing and Meet the Candidate Night
- May 10 Last day to register to vote with the County
- May 14 Last day to request an absentee ballot or early ballot be mailed
- May 15 Budget Notice Mailed
- May 19 Last day to request an absentee ballot in person
- May 20 5:00 p.m.- deadline for receipt of absentee ballots
Who can vote?
Community members who are U.S. citizens may vote in the school elections if they:
- Have been a resident for at least 30 days before the May vote;
- Are at least 18 years old.
The district uses registration books from the Schenectady County Board of Elections. If you are not registered, you may vote by showing an official proof of residency.
Ability to vote by mail or in person
Can I mail my ballot?
You must fill out an application to vote by early voting or absentee ballot. There are separate applications for voting by early voting or absentee ballot, but the application process and deadlines are the same for both. Applications for absentee and early mail in ballots cannot be accepted more than 30 days before the election. This year, in 2025, that would be April 20.
Absentee ballots
Residents who are disabled, hospitalized or out of town on the day of the school budget vote may cast absentee ballots. They are available at the Scotia-Glenville business office, 900 Preddice Parkway (end of Lark Street), Scotia. (518) 347-3600, ext. 73102
- Absentee voters must first complete this application to vote and then complete the ballot itself.
Early mail ballots
In addition, the Early Mail Voter Act, effective January 1, 2024, allows for early voting via mail without any reasons needed for voting early.
- Early mail voters must first complete this application to vote and then complete the ballot itself.
What if the budget were defeated?
If the school budget were defeated once, it could be amended and a second vote scheduled. If the budget were defeated twice, the Board of Education must adopt a contingency budget – meaning the tax levy would be the same as the current year’s tax levy.
How does the state’s STAR program affect my tax bill?
The New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR), which applies only to primary residences, is paid by the state to the school district and is not administered by Scotia-Glenville.
There are two STAR programs: an older program reduces the STAR amount directly from school tax bills in September; the newer program sends the STAR amount to homeowners as a rebate check in the fall.
Basic STAR
The STAR program in 2022-23 would reduce school tax bills in Glenville by an estimated maximum of $596 for Basic STAR recipients. Property owners with incomes below $250,000 are eligible for Basic STAR.
Enhanced STAR
For property owners who receive the Enhanced STAR deduction, the Glenville reduction in 2022-23 would be an estimated maximum of $1,199. Enhanced STAR is for property owners over age 65 with incomes of less than $92,000.