August 27, 2020 minutes

Academic Instruction Committee August 27, 2020 6-7pm Our Agenda I. Social Emotional Learning sub group report out II. Engagement and Instructional Delivery sub group report

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August 25, 2020 minutes

Minutes – 08/25/2020 Communication Advisory Team Welcome and Introduction – Susan Minutes from August 11 meeting Group Roles Facilitator – Susan and Megan Note Taker

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August 20, 2020 minutes

Social & Emotional Support Committee MINUTES Agenda Item Discussion Action Resolution Next Steps 1. Survey Draft Discussion Include space for comment and input Listed items

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August 20 minutes

Academic Instruction Advisory Team Notes Thursday, August 20, 2020 Our agenda Social Emotional Learning sub group report out Engagement and Instructional Delivery report out Next

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Minutes August 19, 2020

Notes from School Protocols and Activities Advisory Team 8/19/2020 The mask subcommittee presented it’s recommendations. It was suggested that the meditation gardens at the HS

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August 12, 2020 minutes

School Protocols meeting 8/12/2020 Attendance around 29 people Goal: To discuss the input for the 3 protocols established last meeting Chromebook and Hotspot distribution In

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August 13, 2020 minutes

Social & Emotional Support Committee Agenda Item Discussion 1. Review of documents Good ideas within them Good points of reference How do we make them

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August 5, 2020 minutes

School Protocols and Activities Advisory Team 8/5/2020 – initial meeting Co chairs Jamian Rockhill and Nancy Lussier 48 members were able to attend the virtual

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Minutes August 6, 2020

August 6, 2020 Academic /Instructional Team Meeting 1. Introductions of Karen Swain and Kenn Handin 2. The Plan as shared at the Town Hall (Review

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Minutes – August 4, 2020

Communications Meeting Notes 8/4/20 Notes 8/4/20 1. Welcome and Introduction – Susan 2. Group Roles a. Facilitator – Susan and Megan b. Note Taker –

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