When can we get Regents exam scores?

COMMENT: Where do we get regents exam scores regarding the 9th grade science regents? thank you RESPONSE: Regents exam scores will be entered into Powerschool

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Last student day is a HALF DAY

COMMENT: Is the last day of school, Thursday, June 23rd, a half-day of school?  I have heard that it is (as it has been in

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MS moving up ceremonies

COMMENT: When is 8th grade graduation? RESPONSE: The grade 8 moving up ceremony will be held from 1 p.m. to 2 on Wednesday, June 22.

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Grades 4 and 5 Field Days date

COMMENT: Is there going to be a district 4th and 5th grade field day this year? if so, when? I couldn’t find it on the

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Staffing question in 2022-23 budget

COMMENT – What would happen to the staff after because in the budget because at Sacandaga, Glendaal and Glen-Worden what would happen to 2nd grade

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What about the unvaccinated students?

COMMENT: With the mask mandate in schools ending tomorrow, has there been any discussion about those who have not been vaccinated and won’t be wearing

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Wearing masks after the mask mandate is lifted

COMMENT: Will school principals, teachers even the superintendent be making a speech prior to Wednesday about zero tolerance of bullying for students who continue to

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Bullying at school

COMMENT: What happens if a student is bullying another student(s) how is it dealt with and what consequences and would there be any, if a

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