May is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month; check out these daily parent tips
May is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Click on the image at left to enlarge the grids and read the daily parent tips.
May is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Click on the image at left to enlarge the grids and read the daily parent tips.
The social media threat that frightened Scotia-Glenville students and parents last Wednesday and resulted in hundreds of students leaving school originated in a school district
Walk outs to protest gun violence in light of the school shooting in Florida were held today at the high school and middle school, despite
This is a message from Superintendent Susan Swartz: I wanted to talk to you today about the incident this morning that has caused some students
As the flu season heats up, here is some information to help us all better understand this annual ailment.
Do you know a student in Scotia-Glenville who is experiencing homelessness? Do you know a student or family who is couchsurfing? They may be homeless,