- Printer friendly version of the 2024-25 Elementary Code of Conduct
- Thomas Eagan- Glendaal Principal
- John Geniti- Lincoln Principal
- Tonya Federico- Sacandaga Principal
- Andrea Polikoski – Glen-Worden Principal
Code of Conduct/Elementary Handbook
This handbook represents a “plain language” summary of the School Districts Code of Conduct. Students remain responsible for comporting themselves in accordance with the districts Code of Conduct and are therefore encouraged to refer to the Student Code of Conduct for a complete recitation of its contents. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the Principal if they have any questions or concerns regarding this document or the districts Code of Conduct.
Table of Contents
- Scotia-Glenville CSD Mission Statement
- Rationale
- Student Policies & Services
- Attendance
- Communication with Parents
- Change of Personal Information
- Report Cards and Conferences
- Homework Expectations
- School Food Services
- Elementary School Student Code of Conduct
- Bullying Prevention
- Instructional Programs
- Scotia-Glenville District Web-Site Guidelines
- Use of Student Images, Names, and Work
- District School Safety Plans and Procedures
- Student Health and Safety
District Mission
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to providing an environment which allows students to realize their full potential and thus prepares them for life in an ever-changing world. In the tradition of excellence the Board of Education, administration, staff, parents/guardians, business and community members will continue to ensure that our education system fulfills the needs of our students.
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District hereby advises students, parents/guardians, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational educational opportunities, without regard to sex, age, race, color, national origin, disability, or religious beliefs. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to:
Title IX Coordinator: Susan Swartz, Superintendent of Schools; and Richard Arket, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Scotia-Glenville Schools
900 Preddice Parkway
Scotia, NY 12302
(518) 382-1218
Section 504 Coordinator: Caitlin Magil
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Scotia-Glenville Central Schools
900 Preddice Parkway
Scotia, NY 12302
(518) 386-4341
The Elementary Student/Parent Handbook is to inform parents/guardians of our schools’ programs, practices and procedures. The purpose of the handbook is to serve as a frame of reference for you and your child throughout the school year. The guidelines and procedures have been developed to maintain a happy and safe learning environment for our students, families and staff members. We ask that you read through the material and review it with your child.
Student Policies & Services
Visitors to Our Schools
The Board of Education encourages parents, guardians, and members of the community to visit the district’s schools and classrooms to observe the work of students, teachers, and other staff but during the COVID Pandemic, we are not allowing visitor’s in the buildings. The schools are a place of work and learning therefore, certain limits are set for such visits. The building principals are responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds. For these reasons the following rules apply to visitors:
1. Parents/guardians or community members who wish to observe a classroom/activity must have a sound educational reason and obtain approval from the building principal prior to such visits.
2. Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school is considered a visitor. All visitors will be buzzed into the school and must report to the school office. There they will be required to sign the visitor’s register and will be issued a visitor’s identification badge, which must be worn at all times while in the school or on school grounds. When leaving the building all visitors must sign out.
3. Teachers are not expected to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
Arrival & Dismissal
There is no supervision for children dropped off at school before the start of the school day unless they are scheduled to be with a staff member ex. clubs, intramurals, etc. Check with individual buildings for exact times. Students are to leave the building at dismissal, unless attending the after-school Y-Care program. They are not to be in the building after these hours unless with a staff member.
If a student is taking a bus to another-than-usual location or if a student is being picked up by a parent or other adult, the student must have a note from home.
All students MUST BE SIGNED OUT at the main office if they are being picked up during the school day. Students arriving after the building start time are tardy. They must be signed in by a parent/guardian at the Main Office and receive a late admittance pass for the classroom.
Reporting Absences
If your child will be absent from school, please call the nurse’s office or email both the nurse and attendance secretary. Daily telephone calls will be made to parents/guardians to confirm unreported absences A note is required upon your child’s return to school. Absences due to illness longer than three days in a row require a doctor’s note.
The following reasons for student absences from school are recognized as legal by the New York State Education Department. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/pps/attendance/ Any other absence is considered unexcused and illegal.
- Personal sickness
- Illness or death in the family
- Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe
- Religious observance
- Quarantine by contagious disease
- Medical appointment
- Court obligations
- Music instruction
- Approved cooperative work program.
In a typical year, an attendance notice will be sent home when a student is absent for a total of 10 or more days. Any expected cases of Educational Neglect will be reported to Child Protective Services (CPS).
Family Trips
Family trips scheduled during the time when school is in session deprive students of valuable instructional time and are an “illegal absence” according to New York State Educational Law. The school district does not prepare formal homework assignments in advance for students going on a vacation with the family. The specific assignments will be gathered during the period of absence and provided to the child upon his/her return to school. The child will be given a reasonable period of time to complete the assignments.
Communication with Parents
District Calendar
The printed calendar mailed to all district households in mid-August contains much more than district and school events. The calendar contains information of value to families. The district calendar can be a shared calendar with electronic devices. Please refer to the district website for directions.
Website and Social Media
Please check the district website at www.scotiaglenvilleschools.org. This resource provides current information on all aspects of the Scotia Glenville School District and on special events taking place in each school. Please note the website can be your best source of information in an emergency or unexpected situation since we can post updated details as needed in an emergency or changing situation.
School Closings and Delays
The superintendent of our school district may decide to cancel or delay the start of school in the event of severe weather, hazardous road conditions or other emergency.
School closings or delayed starting times will be announced on the district website at www.scotiaglenvilleschools.org as well as on local television stations. Announcements on the website may contain more details or be more up to date than the TV since the website has no space limit and is under the district’s control.
Scotia-Glenville “School News Notifier”
We will be moving to a new School News Notifier called ParentSquare and are retiring Blackboard Connect, our former school message system.
ParentSquare mass notification system will be used to announce school closures, delays and other emergencies through texts, emails and phone calls.
The district uses parent contact information in the PowerSchool data system, so please make sure contact information is accurate. Uploads will be made regularly to the ParentSquare system to keep the information as up to date as possible. If you do not have a ParentSquare account please refer to the district’s webpage to set up an account to receive notifications.
Change of Personal Information
For emergency purposes, the school must have up to date information on each student. Please notify the school office of any change of address. Also, please notify the school office of any changes in phone numbers including work and cell phones, and email addresses.
Change in Dismissal Procedures
Please inform the school in writing when you:
- Wish your child to walk home or ride a bike home rather than the bus (Sacandaga & Lincoln)
- Wish your child to go to the babysitter’s home.
Report Cards & Conferences
Report cards and regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences are planned throughout the year. Certain days have been established for parent/teacher conferences and report card rating days. Children in all elementary grades (K thru 5) are dismissed early on these days. Please check the S-G School District Calendar for dates and times.
Parent/teacher conferences are held in October for grades K-5, at which parents will learn about their child’s progress in class. Staff members are available to meet with you throughout the school year to discuss your child’s progress or other school-related matters. If you wish to schedule a conference throughout the school year, please call the classroom teacher for an appointment.
Report cards are sent home three times per year in December, March, and June.
Homework Expectations
Purpose of Homework
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District recognizes the importance of homework in reinforcing classroom instruction. Homework should be a meaningful experience, designed to develop independent work habits that will assist students in meaningful study habits during their educational career.
Homework serves three main purposes:
- Practice– math facts, spelling words, vocabulary
- Preparation– read a book, text, or article prior to class
- Creation/Imagination– combination of many learned skills to construct a new product (report or project)
Daily homework assignments may be given Monday-Thursday. Homework will not routinely be assigned on weekends.
Occasionally, weekend and vacation assignments may be necessary for continuity of learning. Students are encouraged to use weekends and vacations for long-term assignments, daily reading, and practicing of math facts.
The following guidelines are recommended with respect to the maximum amount of time students should be spending completing homework.
Grade Minutes Daily
K – 15 Min. Max
1 – 15-30 Minutes
2 – 15-30 Minutes
3 – 30-40 Minutes
4 – 45-60 Minutes
5 – 45-70 Minutes
These guidelines are developed based upon the average student at each grade level. Individual abilities, study skills and time management practices will determine the length of time a student will actually spend on any given task. Time to complete extra credit activities is not included in these guidelines.
If you find that your child is consistently spending more time on homework than the recommended guidelines, you are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher to discuss your concern.
Requesting Assignments for Students who are Sick
If you believe your child is capable of doing work during an absence, the assignments must be requested by 9 a.m.. Parents/guardians are asked to indicate if the work is to be sent home with another child, or if you plan to pick up the work yourself by 4 p.m.. The teachers will do their best to gather all assignments before the end of the school day.
School Food Services
All students enrolled at Scotia-Glenville Central Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household each day of the 2024-2025 school year.
No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in the meals program without having to pay a fee or submit an application.
YMCA-Sponsored School Age Child Care
Through a cooperative arrangement between the S-G CSD and the YMCA, Y-care is available for before and after school. The YMCA also offers ½ days, as a separate program. For more information contact, the Capital-District YMCA-Schenectady (518) 869-3500.
Elementary School Student Code of Conduct
Good citizenship is accomplished through combined efforts of home and school. Cooperation and support of parents and/or guardians is essential to maintaining safety and order.
No single set of guidelines can provide a means of anticipating the variety of disciplinary situations that occur. It is the responsibility of teachers and principals to investigate each incident on an individual basis and determine the appropriate course of action.
Classroom teachers and support personnel will always attempt to handle and resolve situations which occur under their supervision by counseling the student, calling the parent, or restricting the student’s privileges. Should the problem not be resolved, the problem will be referred to the principal. Depending on the nature of the problem, the frequency of its occurrence and the record of the student, the principal will decide the appropriate consequence for the behavior. Below is a list of possible consequences:
- Student conference with teacher or staff member
- Teacher contact with parent
- Principal contact with student
- Principal contact with parent
- Discipline Report Form
- Conference with parent, student, teacher, and principal
- Exclusion from an activity
- Repair, clean or restitution of property damages.
- Loss of bus privileges
- Loss of privilege of eating in cafeteria.
- Exclusion from recess
- In-school suspension
- Suspension from school (½-5 days)
- Conference with Superintendent
- Exclusion from school by Superintendent (more than 5 days)
- Local community agency involvement- Police/Youth Aid/Family Court/Child Protective Services
Bullying Prevention
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District and Board of Education prohibit acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination or hazing. The Board of Education has determined that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. The acts listed below are behaviors that disrupt both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment.
Bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate activity intended to harm someone emotionally, physically or both. The bully uses power through actions or intimidation to cause pain and/or misery. It can be verbal, physical, electronic and/or relational. It can include as its focus, but not limited to, a person’s actual or perceived:
- Physical attributes
- Race
- Gender
- Socio-economic status
- Mental ability/disability
- Ethnicity
- Religious practice
- Sexual Orientation
- Other differences
Bullying may include, but is not limited to, verbal bullying, physical bullying, social bullying, cyber bullying, harassment, discrimination and hazing that may have an effect on the school environment. The district condemns and prohibits all forms of bullying on school grounds, on school buses, at school bus stops, and at all school sponsored activities, programs and events.
When it is determined that acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination or hazing have occurred, the consequences shall vary and be graded according to the nature of the behavior, developmental age of the student, history of the student’s behavioral problems and will be consistent with the district’s code of conduct.
The principal or the principal’s designee at each school are responsible for receiving complaints of bullying, harassment, discrimination or hazing. All school employees are required to report alleged violations to the principal or school designee. All members of the community including parents/guardians, students, volunteers, visitors, are urged to report alleged violations to the building principal.
The district prohibits retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying, harassment, discrimination or hazing. The consequences and appropriate action for a person who engages in retaliation shall be determined by the administrator after consideration of the nature, severity and circumstances of the act, in accordance with case law, federal and State statutes and regulations and district policies and procedures.
Classroom Behavior
The classroom is the prime learning center of the school. It is the responsibility of the students to put forth their best effort to learn. Students should know the behavior expectations and rules for their classroom set in place by their teacher. In order to make the classroom a suitable place to learn and an enjoyable place for all students to spend the day, all students will:
- Listen when a teacher or another student is speaking
- Transition appropriately from one activity to another
- Complete all work to the best of their ability
- Respect the values and views of others
- Allow others to work without interruption
- Follow all classroom expectations and rules
- Receive permission from the teacher prior to leaving the room
- Refrain from chewing gum, unless your teacher allows it.
Student Dress Code
All students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district staff should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students to develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in school. A student’s dress, grooming and appearance, including hairstyle/color, jewelry, make-up and nails, shall:
- Be safe, appropriate and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process. Hats and/or bandanas should not be worn.
- Not include items that are offensive, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability. This would include confederate flags, swastikas, or any other images that may be considered hurtful, intimidating or deemed offensive by administrators.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
- Include safe and appropriate footwear for PE and recess. Footwear that is a safety hazard- such as flip flops, crocks without a back, high-heeled shoes and retractable roller blade sneakers- will not be allowed.
Each day, weather permitting, there is outdoor recess. Please make sure that your child wears appropriate clothing, including footwear, hat, gloves, warm jacket and snow pants. Please label all outerwear with your child’s name so that lost items may be returned to the student.
All students should keep an extra set of clothing in their backpack or cubby for unforeseen accidents.
Our Lost & Found bin is located near the main office. Please encourage your child to check it when an item has been lost.
Interpretation of the dress code will be at the discretion of the building principal. Students who violate the dress code shall be required to change their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and if necessary replace it with an acceptable item.
Bicycles & Toys on School Property
Students who attend Lincoln Elementary and Sacandaga Elementary may ride their bicycles to school. Skateboards, roller-skates, sneaker skates and roller blades are NOT allowed on school property. As soon as students arrive at school, they should park and lock their bicycles in the appropriate area. The school is not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles.
Toys and hobby materials coming to school present a number of problems including, loss, breakage, theft, and most important, disruption of the educational process. We recommend parents discourage children from bringing toy and hobby items to school. The school district is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Your child’s teacher may permit certain types of toys, games, or equipment to be brought to school in certain circumstances. Please follow your teacher’s instructions.
Electronic Devices and Cell Phones/Smart Phones
The use of any electronic device that is not directed by a faculty or staff is prohibited. Bringing electronic and communications devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, wearable (ear buds, smart watches) devices, texting devices, cameras, games, radios, tablets or MP3 players to school is strongly discouraged.
At SGCSD, priority is given to provision of a teaching and learning environment that is free of distractions. Therefore, cell phones, smart phones, wearable devices, such as smart watches and ear buds, or any electronic devices not intended for instructional or medical use is strictly prohibited from being used during the instructional day (8:45am-3:15pm) and while on our buses. Failure to follow adult directives concerning cell phones, smart phones, and electronic devices will result in student
disciplinary consequences. Refusal to turn over any of these items to a school employee may result in an internal or external suspension.
If a student is found with the unauthorized electronic device, they will be asked to turn it off and place it in their bookbags. If a student is found again with an unauthorized electronic device, they may be assigned a disciplinary consequence and have it confiscated by the teacher or administrator and given back at the
end of the day. If they are found again with an unauthorized electronic device, they may be assigned further consequences and it may be confiscated by the teacher or administrator and the parent will be called to pick it up.
*Each teacher has the right to allow students the use of electronic devices, cell phones / smartphones, smart watches, laptops, ear buds, tablets during instructional time for academic purposes.
Student Conduct in the Cafeteria
- Respect all staff, each other and other’s personal space.
- Stand in an orderly line while waiting to enter and exit the cafeteria.
- Eat in pre-arranged areas according to grade level. Sit elsewhere only if permission has been granted.
- Walk in the cafeteria
- Maintain an appropriate volume determined by the principal and cafeteria staff, talk in a conversational voice.
- Eat food in an acceptable manner.
- No sharing food due to food allergies.
- Limit extra purchases, such as ice cream or cookies, to one per day.
- Pay lunch charges within one week from each charge.
- Remain seated while in the cafeteria.
- Secure a pass from your teacher if you need to be dismissed from the cafeteria early.
- Help keep the cafeteria clean by picking up after yourself.
Hallway Behavior
Keeping the hallways clean and safe is the responsibility of everyone in the school. Moving through the halls from one area to another must be done in a quiet and respectable manner to avoid disrupting others. Therefore, to promote a safe, clean and quiet environment in the halls, the following behaviors should be practiced:
- Keep hallways clean and free from litter.
- Walk quietly in the halls.
- Treat displays, bulletin board materials and school property with respect.
- Keep hands and feet off the walls.
- Maintain your personal space.
Assembly Behavior
Assembly programs are provided for large group information, entertainment, and educational purposes. Students are expected to demonstrate courteous behavior out of respect to the guests of the Scotia-Glenville School District who are offering programs and performances. Therefore, the following behaviors are expected:
- Sit where an adult in charge instructs, and remain seated during assemblies. If a need arises, the student only leaves with permission from the supervising adult.
- Watch and listen politely to performances and speakers.
- Clap after performance and other appropriate times during the show to demonstrate appreciation. Whistling, cheering, screaming, stomping feet, booing or other noise making is not an appropriate way to show appreciation and is unacceptable assembly behavior.
- Leave at the end of the assembly in an orderly fashion, following the directions of an adult in charge.
Recess & Playground Rules
It is each student’s responsibility to share the equipment, obey the rules, teachers and /or recess monitors on duty. When visiting the playground whether it is before, after, or during school hours, exhibit good safety practices AT ALL TIMES. For the safety and enjoyment of all students at recess, students are expected to:
- Stay on the designated playground area with their teacher and/or monitor, request permission to retrieve balls outside the designated area.
- Respect others, take turns, share, keep hands to yourself, and allow others to play.
- Refrain from rough housing and avoid playing physical contact games such as tackle football.
- Maintain a safe distance from playground equipment while it is being used by others.
- Use the playground equipment correctly and safely.
- Refrain from making and throwing snowballs, or other objects such as sticks, stones, rocks, dirt, etc.
- Refrain from foul language, offensive names, or put-downs.
- Receive permission from teacher and/or monitor to re-enter the building before the end of recess.
Failure to follow playground rules can result in loss of playground privileges and disciplinary measures consistent with the district’s code of conduct.
Student Conduct on the Bus
Students are expected to:
- Listen to the school bus driver, who is in charge of getting students to and home from school safely.
- Not use electronic devices such as cell phones and texting devices.
- Demonstrate respect. No talking back, inappropriate language, or any form of defiance is not allowed on the bus.
- No rough or active play, fighting, yelling, whistling, or throwing objects is allowed on the bus or at the bus stop
- Keep heads, hands, and feet inside the bus windows. Open and close windows only with the bus driver’s permission.
- Remain seated properly in their seats.
- Keep hands, feet and belongings out of the aisle while on the bus.
- Keep the inside of the bus clean. Damaging the bus in any way is not allowed.
- Refrain from eating or drinking while on the bus.
- Refrain from tampering with emergency doors or windows.
- Wait for the bus, without standing too close to the road. Stand 10 feet back from the edge of the road. Wait until the bus stops completely before getting on or off.
- Move onto the bus in an orderly fashion. Small children should get on the bus first.
- Wait to cross the road until the driver signals that it is okay. Cross far enough in front of the bus so you can make eye contact with the driver.
- Bring objects to school that fit in the seat.
- Electronics are discouraged on the bus.
Discipline problems will be referred in writing by the bus driver to the school principal. The consequences for continued misbehavior may range from suspension from riding the bus to suspension from school. All school rules apply while riding the bus.
New York State prohibits passing any school bus with flashing lights. Please follow this requirement at all times, especially when you are on school grounds.
Walking To and From School
Basic safety rules should be followed while walking to and from school. Students should:
- Refrain from trespassing on private property.
- Use sidewalks if available, or walk on the shoulder of the road.
- Cross the street at intersections. When possible, use intersections that are supervised by crossing guards.
- Arrive at school between designated hours.
- Avoid accepting rides by anyone. If you choose to get a ride, these alternate plans need to be prearranged by a parent/guardian and communicated to the office.
Prohibited Conduct
May not possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, vapes, vape paraphernalia, or be under the influence of on school property or at a school function.
Instructional Programs
Classroom teachers will distribute and review the district’s elementary homework brochure with students in class and with parents/guardians at “Meet the Teacher” night. Contact classroom teachers with any questions.
Using Computers & Computer Network
Computer and the Internet are valuable tools for learning and research. Each student is given an opportunity to have access to school computers and other resources.
The school staff guides and supports students in developing skills and behaviors needed to properly use computer technology and the Internet. Any student who uses this equipment inappropriately may be subject to removal of privileges, school detention, in-school suspension, external suspension, or legal action, if necessary.
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides students and staff with access to the Internet as a learning tool. This electronic communications network in a school setting allows users of all ages to research information related to their classes, participate in innovative educational projects, and develop personal skills needed to communicate with others in the global community.
Internet access will be provided for all students unless a parent/guardian indicates he or she would rather their children not have this opportunity. In that case, parents/guardians should send the principal a short letter indicating that his/her child should not have Internet access during the school year.
Rules for Proper Use of Computers by Elementary Students
- School computers are for educational purposes. No student shall use any computer without permission from a school official.
- Students should know that anything they create, send, or receive on the district’s computer is not private and may be viewed or traced at any time by authorized personnel.
- Students who try to harm or destroy any district equipment or the data of another computer user on our system will face appropriate consequences. Harming the computer system includes, but is not limited to, uploading or creating computer viruses.
- Students are not permitted to attach any personal computing devices to the SG-network. Examples include, but are not limited to: laptops, mobile devices, etc. Users are welcome to use these devices offline during the day with teacher approval or after the school day. Technical staff will not be able to support any personal equipment. Transfer of files may be done through a variety of methods including e-mail and flash drives.
- Students should not take photos, videos, or audio recordings of other students, teachers, or any staff member unless required for school assignments. Students who choose to take photos, videos, or audio recordings without permission from others (students or staff) will receive an appropriate consequence.
- Students should not copy or share any computer files or software in violation of school district policy or local, state, or federal law.
- Students are given an account on the district’s computer network. They are issued a login name and password. Students are responsible at all times for the proper use of their computer network account.
- Students should not share their personal password with anyone else unless they have written permission from their teacher or the computer coordinator.
- Students should not log into the computer network using someone else’s username or password.
Scotia-Glenville District Website Guidelines
The Scotia-Glenville Central School District provides web server space to individual schools within the district, academic departments, and teachers for maintaining web pages. The school district sponsored web pages will serve for one or more of the following purposes:
- To provide information that supports classroom instruction.
- To inform the community of school related information and events.
- To highlight instructional programs.
- To showcase student achievement in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.
- To support extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, and student organizations) through posting relevant information.
Use of Student Images, Names, and Work (Intellectual Property) in Online Content
Parents/guardians will annually receive the opportunity to decline the online placement of their child’s name in any form and/or student-produced work. To decline placement, parents and guardians should send a written request to their child’s school principal. Web designers will make every effort to comply with requests from parents/guardians.
Personal information about a student is not allowed on web pages. This information includes home telephone numbers, street address, e-mail address, or information regarding the specific location of any student at any given time.
Students enrolled in special education programs will never be identified as a participant in special education.
Photographs of students may be added to web pages as related to the Statement of Purpose, unless parents/guardians submit a written request to their child’s school principal.
Student’s photographs and their work may only be identified by first name, or where that is not enough, first name and last initial. Individuals in movies or sound recordings may not be specifically identified in any fashion.
Student work may be added to web pages as indicated in the Statement of Purpose, unless parents/guardians submit a written request to the school principal. Student work includes any form of learning produced by students, either at home or in school. Examples of student work include, but are not limited to, digital photographs of art projects, literary projects, media presentations, sound recordings, and reports.
District & School Safety Plans and Practices
The Scotia-Glenville School District has a district-wide safety plan plus building-level emergency response plans for each school. These plans define how the district and each school building will respond in the event of an emergency.
The best thing for parents to do in an emergency is to check the district website (www.scotiaglenvilleschools.org) for updates or listen to the T.V. or radio. If a situation should arise in which students need to be evacuated to another building, parents will be notified.
Safety Drills
The principal is responsible for conducting fire drills in order to instruct staff and students in exiting the school building in an emergency in the shortest time possible and without panic and confusion. State law requires that schools hold 12 safety drills each year, including fire drills and lockdown drills. In a lockdown, all exterior school doors are secure so that no one may enter or leave the building temporarily. All students are expected to cooperate with staff members during fire drills, and to leave the building in a quiet and orderly manner. The exit route is posted in each room. Students must stay with their teacher. Distracting behavior will be subject to discipline by either the teacher or administrator.
Students also have an annual “go home early” drill.
Automated External Defibrillators
The Scotia-Glenville School District maintains at least one functional automated external defibrillator (AED) for use during emergencies in each school.
Student Health & Safety
If you suspect your child may be ill, please do not send him or her to school, but do notify the school nurse.
- A child’s temperature should be normal without fever reducing medication for a full 24 hours and the child should feel well before he/she returns to school.
Medications can be administered by the school nurse under the following guidelines:
- Written permission from both the parent/guardian and medical provider are required in order for the school to administer medication. The written order from the provider should be written on office stationary and should include the office address and phone number. The provider’s order needs to include the name of the student, the name of the medication, dosage, route, and time to be administered during the school day.
- All medications including over the counter such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), cough drops, and topical ointments, require permission from both the provider and the parent/guardian as well.
- An adult must bring the medication to school in the original container. A child should not transport medication back and forth to school due to the danger of loss or accidental misuse of the medication.
Physical Education Excuses
Physical education and physical activity are important parts of a student’s school experience and total health. If you feel your child is unable to participate in Physical Education due to an accident or illness, you must request that your child be excused from PE class for the day, in writing.
A note from a medical provider (MD, DO, PA, or NP) is required for a child who must be out of Physical Education for an extended period (more than 3 days.) Students who have been excused from PE for medical reasons must submit a note from the provider indicating they have been cleared to return to activity when the medical problem is resolved. Children who cannot participate in physical education classes based on a note from a medical professional will be limited in recess activities.
Emergency Information Forms
It is most important that the school have correct and up to date information in the event of an emergency illness or injury that may occur at school. Please complete the Emergency Information Form and send it back to school as soon as possible. Update any information related to your child’s health, limitations, allergies, etc. If changes occur in any of the information during the school year, please call the Health Office as soon as possible.
Student Physicals & Immunizations
New York State (NYS) Public Health Law Section 2164 and New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Title 10, Subpart 66-1 require every student entering public, private or parochial school in New York State to be immune to diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, and varicella in accordance to the Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP) recommendations.
Effective September 1, 2016, students entering grades 7 and 12 in (NYS) must be vaccinated against meningococcal disease in accordance with ACIP recommendations.
Public Health Law Section 2164 provides medical exemptions to immunization. A medical exemption form must be completed annually.
Full details on school immunization requirements are available at New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance.
New York State Education Department (NYSED) requires a physical for new entrants and students in Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11; annually for interscholastic sports; working papers as needed; or as required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE). Physicals can be dated up to one year prior to the first day of school to be valid and must be submitted with thin the first 30 days of the school year. Physical forms are available from the school nurse and on the S-G website www.scotiaglenvilleschools.org click on “District Services” then scroll down and click on “Health/Nurse Offices” for their medical provider to fill out. If a completed physical form is not received by the school nurse within 30 days of the start of school in which it is required, the school nurse will contact the parent/guardian. If you are unable to provide a physical exam you will be notified of the school physician’s visit for school physicals.