“I Can” Common Core!
Grade 5 Reading
I Can Read Fiction
- I can accurately quote from a text. 5.1
- I can draw inferences when reading. 5.1
- I can find the theme in a story. 5.2
- I can compare and contrast characters, setting or events. 5.3
I Can Read Nonfiction
- I can quote accurately from a text. 5.1
- I can find the main idea. 5.2
- I can find how the main idea is supported by details. 5.2
- I can summarize what I have read. 5.2
- I can tell how people, events, ideas or concepts are related. 5.3
I Can Understand Fiction
- I can understand figurative language. 5.4
- I can understand similes and metaphors. 5.4
- I can understand the structures of stories, plays and poems. 5.5
- I know how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences a story. 5.6
- I can describe how an author’s experiences influence the story. 5.61
I Can Understand Nonfiction
- I can understand science and social studies words. 5.4
- I can compare and contrast texts. 5.5
- I can compare and contrast two texts that tell about the same event or topic. 5.6
I Can Use What I Know To Understand Fiction
- I can explain how visuals contribute to a story. 5.7
- I can compare and contrast stories from the same genre. 5.9
- I can make connections and compare texts to events and ideas. 5.11
I Can Use What I Know To Understand Nonfiction
- I can use texts to locate an answer or to solve a problem. 5.7
- I can explain how authors support an idea. 5.8
- I can put together ideas from different texts to talk about a topic. 5.9
I Can Read and Understand Fifth Grade Fiction RI.5.10
- I can pick texts that interest me. 5.11a
- I can judge the quality of a text. 5.11b
I Can Read and Understand Fifth Grade Nonfiction. RI.5.10
I Can Use Phonics to help Me Read Fifth Grade Words. RF.5.3
I Can Read Fluently and Accurately. RD.5.4
Grade 5 Writing
I Can Write Different Types of Writing
- I can write to persuade. 5.1
- I can write to teach. 5.2
- I can write to tell a story. 5.3
I Can Make My Writing Better
- I can write clearly. 5.4
- I can write for different purposes, audiences, and topics. 5.4
- I can edit and revise my writing with peers and teachers. 5.5
- With the support of adults, I can use technology to produce and publish writing and to interact with and share ideas with others. 5.6
- I can use appropriate keyboarding skills to type two pages of my writing in a single sitting. 5.6
I Can Use Research to Help My Writing
- I can conduct short research projects. 5.7
- I can research and use what I have experienced to gather information. 5.8
- I can use stories and nonfiction to research. 5.9
- I can write on a regular basis with stamina for different tasks, purposes, and audiences. 5.10
Grade 5 Language
- I can explain the use of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections. 5.1
- I can form and use the perfect verb tenses. 5.1
- I can use verb tenses to show meaning. 5.1
- I can fix verb tenses that are used incorrectly. 5.1
- I can use either/ or and neither/ nor correctly. 5.1
- I can use commas correctly. 5.2
- I can use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of words. 5.2
- I can spell fifth grade words correctly. 5.2
I Can Use What I Know About Language in Different Situations
- I can expand, combine and reduce sentences to make them more interesting. 5.3
- I can compare and contrast English used in writing. 5.3
I Can Figure Out What Words Mean and Use Them in Different Situations
- I can use context clues to help me understand new words. 5.4
- I can use affixes and roots to help me learn new words. 5.4
- I can use root words to help me learn new words. 5.4
- I can use dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses to help me understand and pronounce new words. L.5.4
- I can interpret figurative language. 5.
- I can explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, proverbs. 5.5
- I can use the relationship of synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to help me understand each word. 5.
- I can use fifth grade words. 5.6
Grade 5 Math
I Can Use Algebra to Help Me Understand Math
- I can use parentheses and brackets in expressions. OA.1
- I can write expressions I hear using mathematic symbols and the order of operations. 5.OA.2
- I can use numerical rules and patterns to form ordered pairs. Graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. 5.OA.3
I Can Use Place Value and Operations to Help Me Understand Math
- I can understand and explain the value of digits. NBT.1
- I can explain patterns when multiplying a number by powers of 10. NBT.2
- I can explain patterns when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. NBT.2
- I can read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. NBT.3
- I can use place value understanding to round decimals to any place. NBT.4
- I can multiply multi-digit whole numbers. NBT.5
- I can divide four-digit dividends by two-digit divisors. 6
- I can illustrate and explain a division problem using equations, arrays and/or models. 5.NBT.6
- I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths. I can use concrete models or drawings to explain the method used.. 5.NBT.7
I Can Use Fractions to Help Me Understand Math
- I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators and mixed numbers. 5.NF.1
- I can solve word problems that involve fractions. NF.2
- I can understand that fractions are really the division of a numerator by the denominator. NF3
- I can solve word problems where I divide whole numbers to create an answer that is a mixed number. 5.NF.3
- I can multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction. NF4
- I can think of multiplication as the scaling of a number (similar to a scale on a map.) NF5
- I can solve real world problems by multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. NF.6
- I can divide fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions. NF.7
- I can convert measurements within the same measuring system. MD.1
- I can make a line plot to display data sets of measurements in fractions. MD.2
- I can use fraction operations to solve problems involving information presented on a line plot. MD.2
- I can understand volume. MD.3
- I can measure volume by counting unit cubes. MD.4
- I can solve real world problems involving volume. MD.5
- I can find the volume of an object using the formulas V=I x w x h and V= b x h. MD.5
I Can Use Geometry to Help Me Understand math
- I can understand how to graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. G.1
- I can graph and interpret points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane. G.2
- I can classify shapes into categories. G.3
- I can classify shapes based on properties. G.4
Grade 5 Speaking & Listening
I Can Understand and Talk About What I Hear
- I can engage effectively in discussions. 5.1
- I can come to discussions prepared to share my ideas. 5.1
- I can follow rules for discussions and complete my role. 5.1
- I can pose and respond to questions in a discussion. 5.2
- I can summarize what I read, see, and hear. 5.2
- I can summarize the points a speaker makes. 5.2
- I can review key ideas and draw conclusions after a discussion. 5.3
I Can Share What I Know
- I can give a report in a logical sequence. 5.4
- I can speak clearly and at a good pace. 5.4
- I can use displays to help my presentations. 5.5
- I can use formal English when appropriate. 6