Mar. 28-29: Middle School Drama Club Play, Newsies Jr.

Join us for an exciting production of Newsies Jr., directed by Laurel Campbell and Andrea O’Malley. With over 70 talented middle school students, this show brings to life the inspiring story of young newsboys fighting for their rights during the largest child-led strike in history.


  • Friday, March 28 at 7 p.m.

  • Saturday, March 29 at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.

Runtime: 1 ½ hours, including an intermission.

This family-friendly musical features popular songs like Carrying the Banner, Seize the Day, and Santa Fe.


  • $10 for adults

  • $5 for students and seniors

QR Code for Middle School Drama Production Tickets will be available for purchase in the auditorium lobby before each show (cash or check only) and can also be bought online using this provided website/QR code.

Don’t miss out on this incredible performance!