Preschool program at Glendaal Elementary School


Flyer for 2022-23 for Advanced Therapy program
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If you are looking for preschool for the school year, check out the All About Kids program at the Glendaal School. It is run through Advanced Therapy.

Full-day pre-school services at Scotia-Glenville!

The Albany-based company, All About Kids (in collaboration with Advanced Therapy), offers pre-school services for children ages 3 and 4. The classroom will be located in the Glendaal Elementary School.

The full-day program will be 5 ½ hours in length, with the option of extended childcare.

The classroom staff will include a pre-school/daycare teacher, a special education teacher and teaching assistant(s). Additionally, this program will be composed of a total of 18 pre-school aged children, with up to 6 children who qualify for special services, such speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and/or special education. Children may come from throughout Schenectady County, but the expectation is that most would be from the Scotia-Glenville Central School District.

If you’d like more information about this program, call (518) 608-6563 or email for details.

Transportation for students with IEPs will be provided as part of the IEP; non-IEP students would be dropped off by parents.