Scotia-Glenville CSD Learning Program Guide for the 2021-2022 School Year
Jump to: In-Person Learning | Limited Virtual Learning for Medically Vulnerable Students
Below is an outline of what in-person learning may look like in Scotia-Glenville, grades K-12, for the 2021-2022 school year. This is painted in broad strokes and not an exhaustive list as we continue refining our plan. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and Schenectady County Department of Health (SCDOH) may institute new policies and protocols at any time that prompt a change in our operations.
By default, all children enrolled in the Scotia-Glenville CSD will be automatically scheduled for the in-person learning program and attend school each day in their assigned school building.
COVID Mitigation
- Face masks must be worn by all staff and students while indoors regardless of vaccination status (gaiters or mesh masks are not allowable). This includes wearing face masks while on a school bus.
- Face masks will not be required while outside in a non-crowded setting (i.e. socially distanced recess or physical education classes).
- In most classes, the objective will be to physically distance students by three feet. This will not be possible at all times as permissible by NYSED and NYDOH but layered prevention strategies will be coupled with physical distancing.
- Students and staff will continue to practice good hand washing, sanitizing, and respiratory etiquette.
- Custodial staff will continue sanitizing surfaces per NYSDOH recommendations.
- Quarantine and return to school guidance will be driven by the SCDOH. We are awaiting guidance from SCDOH on these protocols.
Academics and Extracurricular Programming:
- Following standards for each grade level and course.
- Prioritizing foundational skills to build into grade level and complex content.
- More student support opportunities to recoup basic skills needed to access grade level content.
- Emphasis on social-emotional learning and supporting the whole child.
- Expectation of daily attendance as per NYSED.
- Eventual return to field trips and visitors (masked).
- NYSED anticipates a return to the regular state testing calendar (i.e. 3-8 testing and Regents exams).
- Guidance on athletics will follow from the Athletics Department.
Limited Virtual Learning for Medically Vulnerable Students
Below is an outline of what a limited virtual learning program may look like in Scotia-Glenville, grades K-6 and 7-12, for the 2021-2022 school year. The K-6 program would be overseen by Capital Region BOCES while the program in grades 7-12 may be a combination of distance learning classes taught by NYS certified teachers.
Once enrolled in the virtual learning option, students would remain in this learning environment for the remainder of the school year. Students would not have the opportunity to return to in-person learning. A child’s enrollment in this learning program is contingent upon the district’s receipt of a physician’s letter documenting the child’s need for virtual learning in the 2021-2022 school year due to a medically vulnerable condition (ex: chronic lung disease, immunosuppression). Please refer to the CDC website below for examples of medical complexities and talk to your child’s doctor to determine if this year-long learning environment is best for your child.
Limited Virtual School Program for Grades K-12
- Enrolled in a completely online, virtual learning environment with other students.
- Students would log into their classes from home.
- Would be instructed by a NYS certified teacher or teachers from Scotia-Glenville or other school districts.
- Students would receive instruction in grade level standards.
- Expectation of daily attendance as per NYSED.

Read below for directions to request the limited virtual school program for your child.
Directions to Request the Virtual School Program for Medically Vulnerable Students, Gr K-12
Step 1: Log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal using a web browser, for example Chrome or Edge, using the link below. The survey will not show on the PowerSchool Portal app.
Step 2: Under “Navigation” on the left hand side of the screen you will find “Forms”. Please click on the word “Forms”.
Step 3: Please scroll down to “General” and click on “Virtual Learning Program Request”
Step 4: Read through the directions and answer the questions at the bottom of the screen..
Step 5: After you have completed the request form please click “Submit”
Step 6: To submit a request for another child please scroll to the top of the screen and click on that child’s name and repeat steps 2-5.