Information for Scotia-Glenville staff members
To Scotia-Glenville CDPHP members
CDPHP has provided the district with an updated list of preferred pharmacy locations for prescriptions. As of July 1, 2025, the most notable change is that CVS will no longer be a preferred pharmacy. Enrollees affected by this change will receive a letter from CDPHP. Click for pharmacy changes.
CDPHP has signed a multiyear agreement with the Albany Med Health System. This new contract goes into effect immediately and avoids any disruption in care for our members. A joint public statement from Albany Med and CDPHP will be issued soon.
*NEW: Employee Benefits
Health and Dental Insurance
Update on HighMark Dental Plan- July 1, 2024
Enrollment Information
- For employee benefits, click here
Table of contents:
- *Annual mandatory schools trainings
- Help desk
- Other resources
- Permitted time off to vote
- Staff emails
- TartanEd teach, tech and learn
- Useful links (substitute coordination, PowerTeacher, PowerSchool)
- Workplace notices and insurance
- Workplace violence prevention plan
Workplace notices
Revisions to Section 201 of the New York State Labor Law require all mandatory labor postings be made available to employees electronically. Click here to review the list of postings.
COVID coverage changes effective May 12, 2023
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The school district has entered into an agreement with M&S EAP to provide an Employee Assistance Program for 2023.
Work/Life Services:
- To access online resources, please visit and click “Work / Life Login” at the top.
- Use the access code WELL to sign in, or create your own account.
- Live Chat is also available on the website!
Your EAP Benefits
- Is 100% confidential
- Covers four virtual, face-to-face, or telephonic sessions with a counselor, per person attending
- Services also cover all residents of the home
- Monthly newsletters
- Access to additional resources such as legal, financial, support groups, housing, etc.
- Sessions are renewable as long as you have a two-month break in counseling
- Services are accessible 24/7/365
When can the EAP help?
M&S EAP is here to help you through many difficult situations, including but not limited to:
- Marital & Family Related Issues
- Children & Adolescents
- Anger, Stress, & Time Management
- Grief & Loss
- Alcohol & Substance Abuse
- Elder Care Concerns
- Domestic Abuse
- Addictions
- Job-Related Stress
Details for Specific EAP Resources
- Balance financial fitness
- Estate planning benefits
- Free legal services
- Family law benefits
- Identity theft protection
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I use my EAP?
Anytime! If you or your family are experiencing a difficult time in areas of stress, anxiety,
depression, family-related issues, substance abuse, or any other problem area, we are available 24/7.
Who is covered?
All household members are welcome to use the program, even if you, as the covered employee, do
not. Household members may contact us directly.
Call: 1-800-543-5080
State law revised: Employees are allowed to take time off to vote
Click here for details and requirements regarding taking time off to vote.
Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave
Beginning in January 2022, the NYS DOH made self-certification forms available for employees to use to evidence the order of isolation or quarantine required under the law. Employees may complete the appropriate affirmation to satisfy the law’s requirement that they have an order of isolation or quarantine, as applicable, from a duly authorized government authority.
The NYS DOL guidance also takes the position that employees may take up to three periods of leave under the law since the onset. However, for the second and third periods, eligibility must be evidenced by a positive COVID 19 test, and the employee must submit documentation from “a licensed medical provider or testing facility” confirming the positive result, unless the employer performed the test. As a result, under the current guidance, a positive at-home test would not be sufficient to establish eligibility for a second or third period of COVID-19 leave under the law.
Starting September 1, 2022, Scotia-Glenville Central School District will be requiring a positive PCR test from all employees requesting to utilize the New York State Covid-19 Sick Leave Pay.
The links below will bring you to the affirmation of isolation form you may use in conjunction with your results.
Isolation: click here
Quarantine: click here
Message to members of the NYSLRS regarding retirement
Department of Labor notification for all employees who have been laid off, discharged or quit.
Use this Department of labor form to file.
Staff Email
- Log into SG Gmail email for Scotia-Glenville employees.
- Directions for accessing your SG email account.
Useful links for Staff
Substitute Coordination
The substitute coordination service is provided through Capital Region BOCES.
Power Teacher
Access the Power Teacher sign-in page.
Access the PowerSchool sign-in page.
Tartan ED Tech Teach & Learn
Click here for a comprehensive trainings site for teachers to use while transitioning to online learning.
Mandatory Annual Trainings
All Scotia-Glenville faculty, staff and substitutes now have the ability to complete their annual training requirement electronically. These trainings include HazCom, sexual harassment, SAVE: Dignity for all Students Act and Safe Schools Against Violence in Education, and more.
Additional training will be provided for departments including, but not limited to, Facilities and Operations, School Nurses, Art, Science, Technology, Transportation, those identified as ‘at risk’ by the district’s Exposure Control Plan, etc.
We’re confident you’ll find these courses to be informative and helpful towards maintaining a safe learning environment.
- Click here for the SafeSchools login and directions for the trainings you are required to complete.
- Click here for the medical emergencies booklet. Click here for the diabetes awareness presentation. Use this Google Form to confirm you completed these two mandatory training materials.
- Click here for the behavior support techniques training. After watching the video, please sign off on this Google Form.
Scotia-Glenville Help Desk
Acture Solutions
STAFF: To request technical assistance, do one of the following:
1. Log into the district’s helpdesk website ( ). Use your Scotia-Glenville email username without the as the user name. For example, jsmith (without the, use your S-G email password as the password. Click on “Create a New Incident” under “Can We Help You” and complete the form.
2. Call by telephone: 518-631-3530
3. Send an email to
In some cases, a staff member will remotely log into your computer to fix the problem. Staff may wish to call you back with information or questions. At times, a technician may visit your room to directly handle the request.
Other Resources
- Capital Region BOCES Digital Library
- Educational Data Service for ordering supplies.
- Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals.
- Schenectady County Retired Teachers Association
- Facilities Use Requests Staff members desiring to book building space after 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (except for the middle and high schools, which need to complete events by 10 p.m.) in any of the school buildings or athletic fields must use the ML Schedules system. For additional information or questions please call Kenna Collins at ext 7302.
- Maintenance Direct – for staff members looking to place a work order request on the myschoolbuilding login page.
- Greater Capital Region Teacher Center The Teacher Center provides professional learning for teachers, by teachers. The courses provide long-term opportunities for teachers to grow in their abilities to provide students with engaging, safe, and rigorous learning environments, which are CTLE approved. Teachers may also sign up for emails from the Teacher Center at