Many of the forms that you need from the Scotia-Glenville business office can be downloaded below. Call (518) 347-3600, ext. 7304 if you have any questions.
Payroll inquiries: To ensure continuity and have a central location for all our payroll related inquiries and questions, we have set up a new email account for employees to direct their questions and requests to. This email address is
Many of the forms below are provided in PDF format. If you encounter any difficulty attempting to access these files, contact Julia Lilkendey at
403B tax-deferred annuities
- OMNI 403B – (third party plan administrator)
- 2024 Universal Availability Notice
- Employee Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement
- Employee Time Sheet
- Paycheck Election Form
- NYS W-4 tax withholding form (fill-in PDF)
- Federal tax withholding form (fill-in PDF)
- Paycheck schedule – 2023-24