Welcome to a meeting of the Scotia-Glenville Board of Education

Here are some guidelines to better participate at Board of Education meetings

Welcome to a meeting of the Scotia-Glenville Board of Education!

The Scotia-Glenville Board of Education meets regularly on the second Monday of each month. The board also generally holds a special meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. Exceptions are made to avoid conflicts with holidays or recess periods.

Meetings are generally held at the Middle School, Prestige Parkway (next to the District Office at the end of Lark Street) in Scotia at 7 p.m. They may also be held at other school buildings or at the district office. In those cases, advance notice of the meeting and location is given on the district website.

Public involvement in the control of public education is one of the cornerstones of a free society. The people exercise that control through their elected Board of Education. Your continued interest and support will guarantee the excellence of our schools.

The Board of Education welcomes you to its meeting.

Board Meeting Participation

The board is interested in the opinions and viewpoints of all residents and district employees and provides a “privilege of the floor” section on the agenda for this purpose.

In accordance with Policy #1230:

  • The board president will recognize each person wishing to exercise the privilege of the floor.
  • Each person will be allowed five (5) minutes in which to address those matters of interest.
  • When an individual is recognized to exercise the privilege of the floor, he or she is requested to give his or her name and address.
  • Matters of interest or questions will be responded to subsequent to thorough research.

The total amount of time to be spent in extending the privilege of the floor to persons in attendance shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes, except that the board may vote to extend same.

Order of Business

Board of Education meetings follow a prepared agenda. The board conducts official action on items on the agenda and may also receive education program/information reports on which no action is taken.

The board also meets in executive session to discuss personnel matters, labor negotiations and other matters which are of a confidential nature as defined by the Open Meetings Law of the State of New York. Executive sessions are closed to the public; however, any formal action on the passage of any resolution must be taken in open session.

Copies of the agenda are available at each meeting.

The Board of Education Responsibility and Authority

The Board of Education is made up of seven (7) non-salaried citizens elected to serve overlapping terms of three (3) years each. New York State law does not limit the number of terms a board member may serve.

The board’s powers and duties are derived from the State Constitution, the laws of New York State and the rulings of the New York State Commissioner of Education.

The Board of Education’s main areas of responsibility are to:

  • Establish district policies
  • Develop an annual budget for public approval
  • Approve or disapprove the superintendent’s recommendations on personnel matters and contracts
  • Review courses of study and textbooks
  • Act as a communication link between residents and the superintendent.

No person or group of persons acts in the name of the board. All motions require a majority vote before the board can act. A board member is in an official capacity only during an official board meeting.

The board employs a superintendent as the chief executive officer of the school district. The superintendent is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district and administration of board policies.

The superintendent develops policies, programs and plans for board action.


Community members having any questions regarding specific aspects of the schools’ programs will obtain the best information by talking directly to the student’s teacher or to the building principal.

Information about a district-wide program or for a special concern can be obtained by contacting any member of the administrative staff: